# direction: upstream # source: robot platform # description: latest hi-rate (50Hz) sensor readings #### HEADER # standard header std_msgs/Header header # message flags uint32 msg_flags # additional header int32 time_usec # time in usec with rollover at 1<<29 #### INTEROCEPTIVE # battery #sensor_msgs/BatteryState battery_state float32 battery_voltage # temperature sensor_msgs/Temperature temperature # accelerometers sensor_msgs/Imu accel_head sensor_msgs/Imu accel_body float32 jerk_mag_body float32 jerk_mag_head # odometry nav_msgs/Odometry odometry # joints sensor_msgs/JointState joint_state float32 eyelid_closure # switches uint8 dip_state_phys #### EXTEROCEPTIVE # sonar sensor_msgs/Range sonar_range # light #sensor_msgs/Illuminance[4] illum # we don't yet know the conversion to illuminance, so we # use a different form for the raw information from sensors # order is: front left, right, rear left, right uint8[4] light # touch uint8[4] touch_head uint8[4] touch_body # cliff uint8[2] cliff